Streamlining a graphic design studio’s service architecture

Client: Boy Oh Boy Designs

Services delivered:

Boy Oh Boy Designs is a creative studio that provides graphic design services to business clients and sells a range of illustrated cards, posters and prints to individual customers.

The challenge

Boy Oh Boy Designs launched as an independent illustrator selling original and commissioned artwork. The creative director diversified the business’ service offering to target a new customer group, offering graphic design services to business clients.

Now targeting two customer groups with two very different offers, Boy Oh Boy Designs asked LOCK to identify the best ways to structure its offer and to articulate itself to both groups.

Our solution

We conducted a comprehensive review of the business, its customers and its competitors to give the creative director a strategic overview of the business after its services had evolved. We then supported her to update the brand platform to better align with the new shape of the business.

Next, we established a new architecture for the business’ products and services that matched its desired customer ratios more closely. To support the implementation of our Brand Strategy and Service Communications work, we created a tactical action plan that set out how to ensure the improvements we’d suggested were reflected across all promotional channels. We also provided guidance on how to promote the graphic design services to business clients in a tailored and targeted way.

The result

“My young business has been growing organically and LOCK's marketing health check provided some much needed clarity and focus for my efforts going forward.

I now have three very comprehensive documents which articulate my own business in a way that I was too close to the work to be able to fully appreciate. I also have a very specific set of recommendations for reframing how I position my business online and I look forward to employing their ideas and seeing increased interest in my online offer.

In particular, I was grateful for the step-by-step advice and explanation on how best to benefit from a Google My Business profile - a process which previously appeared complex and daunting to navigate but now feels easily achievable to action by myself.

For business owners like me, who often follow their gut, I highly recommend using LOCK for a more objective audit of your offering to clearly spot areas of opportunity and maximise your marketing potential to reach new audiences. The concise advice and the way you will be listened to and understood is second to none.”

Caroline Boyd, Creative Director, Boy Oh Boy Designs